xSuite utility provides the following commands:

  • xsuite install-rust - installs Rust with rustup
  • xsuite uninstall-rust - uninstalls Rust with rustup
  • xsuite new - creates a new blank contract; currently it has the following options:
    • --dir <DIR> - specify the contract dir
    • --starter <STARTER> - specify the contract to start from
    • --no-install - skip package installation
    • --no-git - skip git initialization
  • xsuite build - builds a contract; currently it has the following options:
    • [DIR] - specify the directory that contains the smart contract(s) to build
    • -r, --recursive - build all contracts under the directory
  • xsuite build-reproducible - builds a contract in a reproducible way
    • [DIR] - specify the directory that contains the smart contract(s) to build
    • --image <IMAGE> - specify the Docker image used to build the contract (e.g. multiversx/sdk-rust-contract-builder:v8.0.0)
    • -r, --recursive - build all contracts under the directory
  • xsuite verify-reproducible - verifies a contract, that has been built in a reproducible way
    • [DIR] - specify the contract, which should be verified
    • --address <ADDRESS> - specify the address (erd...) of the smart contract to be verified
    • --chain <CHAIN> - specify the chain of the smart contract to be verified (devnet, testnet, mainnet)
  • xsuite test-rust - runs contract Rust tests
  • xsuite test-scen - runs contract scenarios tests
  • xsuite new-wallet - creates a new wallet file; currently it has the following options:
    • --wallet <WALLET_PATH> - specify the wallet path
    • --password <PASSWORD> - specify the wallet password
    • --from-pem <PEM_PATH> - specify the PEM path
    • --from-pem <WALLET_PATH> - specify the old wallet path
    • --shard <SHARD> - specify the shard the wallet is created for
  • xsuite request-xegld - requests XEGLD tokens for a wallet; currently it has the following options:
    • --wallet <WALLET_PATH> - specify the wallet path
    • --password <PASSWORD> - specify the wallet password

To learn more about the commands you can run xsuite --help for a general help or for example xsuite new --help for a help for a specific command.